Portal UI


Autocomplete input and command palette with a list of suggestions.

<x-portal::combobox placeholder="Select framework..." name="framework" class="w-[300px]">
    <x-portal::combobox.search placeholder="Search framework..." />
        <x-portal::combobox.option value="indonesia" selected>
            <x-tabler-bed-filled />
        <x-portal::combobox.option value="next">Next.js</x-portal::combobox.option>
        @for($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++)
                $name=  fake()->name;
                value="{{ $name }}"
                {{ $name }}

Publishing Component

If you want to customize the components, you can publish them by running the following command :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=portal-ui:combobox --force

Without Search

<x-portal::combobox placeholder="Select framework..." name="framework" class="w-[300px]">
        <x-portal::combobox.option value="indonesia">
            <x-tabler-bed-filled />
        <x-portal::combobox.option value="next">Next.js</x-portal::combobox.option>
        @for($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++)
                $name=  fake()->name;
                value="{{ $name }}"
                {{ $name }}