Portal UI


Portal UI is a powerful, meticulously designed UI component library for Laravel applications. Built with Tailwind CSS , it offers a collection of easy-to-use and highly customizable components.

Getting started

  • 1
    Install Portal UI
    Install Portal UI via Composer by running this command from your project root :
    composer require laililmahfud/portal-ui
  • 2
    Publish Assets
    Once the installation is complete, run this command to publish Portal UI assets
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=portal-ui:asset --force
  • 3
    Include Portal UI assets
    Next, insert the @portalUI blade directives into your layout file.

Everything is done, now you can use Portal UI components in your project.


To start development, you can use Tailwind CLI or tailwind.exe to start compile Tailwind assets. You can run this command for compiling :
.\tailwindcss.exe -i vendor/laililmahfud/portal-ui/resources/css/input.css -o public/portal-ui/portal-ui.css --watch --minify